Source code for Cloudforms.managers.provider

    Provider Manager

    :license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details.
from Cloudforms.utils import (
from Cloudforms.managers.tag import ServiceTagManager

[docs]class ProviderManager(object): '''Manages Providers. :param Cloudforms.API.Client client: an API client instance Example:: import Cloudforms client = Cloudforms.Client() provider_mgr = Cloudforms.ProviderManager(client) ''' def __init__(self, client): self.client = client self.tags = ServiceTagManager(client, 'providers')
[docs] def get(self, _id, params=None): '''Retrieve details about a provider on the account :param string _id: Specifies which provider the request is for :param dict params: response-level options (attributes, limit, etc.) :returns: Dictionary representing the matching provider Example:: # Gets a list of all providers (returns IDs only) providers = provider_mgr.list({'attributes': 'id'}) for provider in providers: provider_details = provider_mgr.get(provider['id']) ''' params = update_params(params, {'expand': 'resources'}) return normalize_object('get', '/providers/%s' % _id, params=params))
[docs] def list(self, params=None): '''Retrieve a list of all providers on the account :param dict params: response-level options (attributes, limit, etc.) :returns: List of dictionaries representing the matching providers Example:: # Gets a list of all providers (returns IDs only) providers = provider_mgr.list({'attributes': 'id'}) ''' params = update_params(params, {'expand': 'resources'}) return normalize_collection('get', '/providers', params=params))
[docs] def perform_action(self, _id, action, params=None): '''Sends a request to perform an action on a provider :param string _id: Specifies which provider the request is for :param string action: The action to request (delete, refresh, etc.) :param dict params: Additional POST request data :returns: Task request, or Provider, dictionary object Example:: # Gets a list of all providers for provider in provider_mgr.list(): # Send requests to refresh all providers provider_mgr.perform_action(provider['id'], 'refresh') ''' params = update_params(params, {'action': action}) return normalize_object('post', '/providers/%s' % _id, data=params))
[docs] def create(self, params=None): '''Creates a new provider on the account (pass-through params) :param dict params: Additional POST request data :returns: Provider dictionary object Example:: # Creates a new provider using pass-through params provider = provider_mgr.create({ 'type': 'EmsRedhat', 'name': 'rhevm101', 'hostname': 'rhevm101', 'ipaddress': '', 'credentials': { 'userid': 'admin', 'password': 'smartvm' } }) # Refresh the provider provider_mgr.refresh(provider['id']) ''' return normalize_object('post', '/providers', data=params))
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
[docs] def create_amazon(self, name, region, access_key, secret_key, params=None): '''Creates a new Amazon (AWS) provider on the account :param name string: Display name of the provider :param region string: AWS region (ex. us-east-1) :param access_key string: AWS API Access Key ID :param secret_key string: AWS API Access Secret Key :param dict params: Additional POST request data :returns: Provider dictionary object Example:: # Creates a new Amazon (AWS) provider provider = provider_mgr.create_amazon( name='MyAWSProvider', region='us-east-1', access_key='MY4CC3SSK3Y', secret_key='My$Freak1shly/L0ng=S3cr3t&K3y' ) # Refresh the provider provider_mgr.refresh(provider['id']) ''' return self.create(update_params(params, { 'type': 'ManageIQ::Providers::Amazon::CloudManager', 'name': name, 'provider_region': region, 'credentials': { 'userid': access_key, 'password': secret_key } }))
[docs] def delete(self, _id, params=None): '''Sends a request to delete a provider :param string _id: Specifies which provider the request is for :param dict params: Additional POST request data :returns: Task request dictionary (see TaskManager) Example:: # Gets a list of all providers for provider in provider_mgr.list(): # Send requests to delete all providers task = provider_mgr.delete(provider['id']) # Wait for the request to be processed task_mgr.wait_for_task(task.get('task_id')) ''' return self.perform_action(_id, 'delete', params)
[docs] def refresh(self, _id, params=None): '''Sends a request to refresh a provider :param string _id: Specifies which provider the request is for :param dict params: Additional POST request data :returns: JSON object with a 'success' key Example:: # Gets a list of all providers for provider in provider_mgr.list(): # Send requests to refresh all providers res = provider_mgr.refresh(provider['id']) if not res or not res.get('success'): raise RuntimeError('An error occurred') ''' return self.perform_action(_id, 'refresh', params)
[docs] def update(self, _id, params=None): '''Sends a request to update a provider :param string _id: Specifies which provider the request is for :param dict params: Additional POST request data :returns: Provider dictionary object (with updates applied) Example:: # Gets a list of all providers for provider in provider_mgr.list(): # Send requests to update all providers provider_mgr.update( provider['id'], params={ 'credentials': [{ 'userid': 'metrics_userid', 'password': 'metrics_password', 'auth_type': 'metrics' }] } ) ''' return self.perform_action(_id, 'edit', params)