Source code for Cloudforms.managers.task

    Task Manager

    :license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details.
from time import sleep
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from Cloudforms.utils import (

[docs]class TaskManager(object): '''Manages Tasks. :param Cloudforms.API.Client client: an API client instance Example:: import Cloudforms client = Cloudforms.Client() task_mgr = Cloudforms.TaskManager(client) ''' def __init__(self, client): self.client = client
[docs] def get(self, _id, params=None): '''Retrieve details about a task on the account :param string _id: Specifies which task the request is for :param dict params: response-level options (attributes, limit, etc.) :returns: Dictionary representing the matching task Example:: # Gets a list of all tasks (returns IDs only) tasks = task_mgr.list({'attributes': 'id'}) for task in tasks: task_details = task_mgr.get(task['id']) ''' params = update_params(params, {'expand': 'resources'}) return normalize_object('get', '/tasks/%s' % _id, params=params))
[docs] def list(self, params=None): '''Retrieve a list of all tasks on the account :param dict params: response-level options (attributes, limit, etc.) :returns: List of dictionaries representing the matching tasks Example:: # Gets a list of all tasks (returns IDs only) tasks = task_mgr.list({'attributes': 'id'}) ''' params = update_params(params, {'expand': 'resources'}) return normalize_collection('get', '/tasks', params=params))
[docs] def wait(self, _id, timeout=30, state='finished', params=None): '''Waits for a task to reach a certain state :param string state: wait until the task reaches this state (case insensitive) :param integer timeout: operation timeout (in seconds) :param dict params: response-level options (attributes, limit, etc.) :returns bool: **True** on success, **False** on error or timeout Example:: # Gets a list of all virtual servers vms = vs_mgr.list() for vm in vms: # Send a request to stop the virtual server task = vs_mgr.stop(vms.get('id')) # Wait for the task to finish and collect the result task_succeeded = task_mgr.wait(task.get('task_id')) ''' deadline = + timedelta(seconds=timeout) while <= deadline: task = self.get(_id, params=params) if not task or not task.get('state'): return False elif task.get('state').lower() == state.lower(): return True sleep(1) return False